“What IS it about dolphins? – “Good News Dolphin Stories” exploring the relationship between humans and dolphins and why they inspire awe, wonder and affection in those lucky enough to enjoy their company.

We are still working on collations and the finishing stages …..and finding a publisher who loves dolphins too!

We seek to inspire and spread the joy about these beautiful, magical sentient beings – what they mean to so many of us, why they should be left to enjoy their wonderful life in freedom, safety, peace and harmony, and afforded the basic rights these remarkable non human beings deserve.

One of the many magnificent, uplifting contributions by Fiona Fallo says it all!    Enjoy.

To Wholeness

We watch the dolphins glide by.  Before they came we were busy setting up for the day, battling wind to tie the tent down.

The unexpected sight of a fin though pauses everything.  We know it’s precious to see them.

We are still.  Our thinking is suspended as we stop and watch them.  For that brief time we are complete.  Whole.

The dolphins captivate our senses.  Their presence stills the mind which allows an intrinsic knowing to arise; that underneath the busyness of life and the busyness of thinking we are complete, enough, whole. And wholeness is wellness.

The experience, captivation and awe doesn’t need to last. A fleeting feeling, a quick glimpse of our wholeness is enough.

Experience of wholeness, facilitated by the presence of dolphins is transformative.

When the moment of captivation passes and thinking resumes, we feel better. We are changed. The seed of wellness has received the nourishment required to grow. We return to daily life making choices that are best for ourselves in a coherent, effortless, sustainable way.

We have felt whole….Well. We know we are fundamentally whole and well and that our task, if any, is to let go of things that fragment our sense of wholeness or disturb our wellness.

Experience of natural wonder such as the sentient beings of the oceans, can be all that is needed to initiate a return to physical, mental, spiritual wellness.

To wholeness.

Bio    Born on the Kaurna Plains, protected by the Peramangk Hills, inspired by the Southern Ocean. . . I am now mother to four shining humans and wife to a loving Sicilian.  My work includes Meditation teaching and being a Psychologist both in Private Practice and with Indigenous peoples of the greater metropolitan area of Adelaide.  I keep in mind that “there is no intelligence without love” (Krishnamurti) and equally that love is the beginning, the end and the journey itself.

Love and gratitude to you dear Fi.