Happy New Year! We are looking forward to another fantastic year in Dolphin Watch – our 20th year!
Following recent Christmas surveys – our 246th research survey on KI Marine Adventures on Kangaroo Island, coupled with our 154th on The Big Duck Boat Tours, Victor Harbor, the wonderful Citizen Scientist volunteers of Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch have undertaken an amazing 400 surveys in our regional waters. This milestone achievement is worthy of celebration, not simply because of the numbers involved which make it a longitudinal study of significance, but because of the data collected, analysed and recorded.
The usage of this data continues to bear fruit in terms of enhancing protection for our local dolphin population groups as well as providing invaluable insights regarding dolphin behaviours.

It is a credit to the hundreds of volunteers of all ages who have participated over the years, some on many occasions, but the main accolades belong with Andrew Neighbour of KI Marine Adventures http://www.kimarineadventures.com.au and Michael Veenstra and staff at The Big Duck Boat Tours http://www.thebigduck.com.au for their fantastic ongoing support of the project over all these years!

A special thankyou to Nedra Haines who, as manager of the Victor Harbor section, has performed an incredible multifaceted role with such aplomb.

Our wonderful Ambassador Melody Horrill http://www.melodyhorrill.com, our magnificent mentors Dr Mike Bossley AM and Mark Deraad http://www.i-nex.com.au, major sponsors Sealink Kangaroo Island http://www.sealink.com.au and a host of sponsors and supporters, some of whom have been with us since the very beginning, all deserve massive thanks!
We would be lost without you.

As we begin our 20th year we look forward to celebrating and continuing our ongoing quest for ultimate Cetacean rights and the greatest protection for these remarkable, iconic non human persons, sentient beings and their critical habitats.

We have a long way to go…..

#THANKYOU to all who care.
#dolphinwatch #conservation #dolphins #cetaceanrights #criticalhabitats #missionblue #hopespots #sanctuaries
#love #gratitude