I -NEX Corporation Managing Director Mark de Raad and Dolphin Watch Coordinator Tony Bartram November 2016
After a protracted period of time following a severe hacking under a previous host, this site has a new web presence, safely “under the wings” of our wonderful Dolphin Watch sponsors I-NEX Corporation. We will be updating with information and developments from the ensuing period with new happenings over time… a work in progress! Thanks for your patience and Watch This Space!
On November 14th Tony and Phyll were fortunate to attend an inservice on the operation of the new website with Managing Director Mark de Raad. The site was launched and is now operational, thanks to Mark, Adrian and their team and their greatly appreciated long term effort, support, patience, energy and faith in our project. I-Nex is a wholly Australian based software development, consulting and support company founded 20 years ago under the direction of Mark de Raad. They are involved in the creative thinking and the making of significant research and environmental projects, often in collaboration with research organisations and all with an eye on social improvement and education. I-Nex skills include the creation of websites, mobile apps and related technologies, enabling mass data collection through “crowd” contributions (examples of this include the KIVHDW app and website) but also specific projects such as our data base www.islandmind.com.au and FoodNow dietetics and physiology research for Deakin Uni.
“We greatly value the work that the Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch team do for our South Australian environment and are justly proud of our nearly 11 year sponsorship.”
www.i-nex.com.au Telephone 08 8236 7456
Mark de Raad April 7th 2016
Thankyou dear Mark and team. We greatly value the work you do and all you have done for us…our very own White Knight. Love and gratitude always.