Bottlenose dolphins at Dashwood Bay, Kangaroo Island – ABC TV #BackRoads

“Back Roads goes in search of all creatures great and small on Kangaroo Island, off the South Australian coast. Guest presenter Paul West checks in to see how the island is faring after devastating Black Summer fires of 2020.”

Episode 7 Live to air on February 20th 2025

Stream Back Roads now on @abciview ABC TV #BackRoads

Presenter Paul West with Andrew Neighbour of KI Marine Adventures – ABC TV #BackRoads

Such a treat to be invited on board a very special marine tour on Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures hosting the wonderful ABC Backroads to stunning Dashwood Bay right in the middle of the Mission Blue Kangaroo Island North Coast Hope Spot in May 2024.

Presenter Paul West with Producer Lou Turley -ABC TV #BackRoads
Videographer Ben Cunningham – ABC TV #BackRoads
Sound Techniciian Pinky – ABC TV #BackRoads

An absolute delight to work with this thoroughly professional film group who were great company as well as totally switched on to the best way to present their program with extraordinary cinemaphotography and brilliant conservation messages.   

Bottlenose dolphins resting, playing and socialising at Dashwood Bay – Phyll Bartram

What a stunning expose of the unique nature of Kangaroo Island and the strong environmental protection messages which resonated with so many who seek to protect our island home.

The Film Crew at work – Phyll Bartram
Underwater filming in action – ABC TV #BackRoads
Paul West enjoys a taste of the dolphins’ world – Phyll Bartram

The feedback has been amazing and so well deserved by all involved.

Thankyou so much wonderful Paul West, Lou Turley, Ben Cunningham and Pinky, ABC Backroads….and our Superstar Skipper Andrew Neighbour.

The dolphin send off! – Phyll Bartram

@abciview @abcaustralia

#marineconservation #filmgroup #kangarooisland #wildlife #cinematography #iview #ABC #dolphins #conservation #thankyou