What a delight and absolute privilege it was to be involved in the 8th Island Arks Symposium on Kangaroo Island last week. www.islandarkssymposium.com

The theme “‘Island Stewards: Caring for Land and Sea’ was chosen to recognise the role of land managers in supporting and developing our unique island lifestyles in a way that sustainably uses natural resources, whilst conserving and protecting the natural values that make each island unique. It seeks to highlight the relationship all island managers have as both users and protectors of an island’s resources.” 

To be surrounded by 131 delegates representing 24 islands with keynote speakers and 30 presentations from around Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, all with their own fascinating stories of environmental stewardship, conservation and care was absolutely exhilarating and truly inspirational.

Three days of quality presentations opened with renowned Science educator Professor Christopher Daniels outlining the importance of islands supporting biological diversity and highlighted fascinating key note presentations; Tiahni Adamson – 2024 Young South Australian of the Year, Threatened Species Commissioner Dr Fiona Fraser, Kangaroo Island’s own mechanical engineer and innovator Dr Nick Berry of Seed Terminator, ocean and climate advocate Tishiko King from the Torres Straits, the  Kaurna Firesticks Team – Quahli Newchurch, Clem Newchurch and Paul Dixon and NZ conservationist Jo Ritchie.

Our own presentation “Not Just An Island – Working towards global protection and conservation of dolphins and their habitat” was one of few dealing with the marine environment and well received. 

Hosted by the Kangaroo Island Landscape Board the symposium was a truly uplifting experience for all involved and General Manager Will Durack, event coordinator Sarah Kemp and team and the Island Arks Committee produced an extraordinarily high quality program and brilliant associated activities and catering, for all involved to learn from and enjoy. These included the Field Trip focussing on the KI Feral Cat Program, and delightful entertainment and treats at the KI Brewery www.kibeer.com.au Event Dinner – talented KI Musicians, the Two Richards and captivating and moving Bowerbird Collective www.bowerbirdcollective.org. Such a treat!

Our hearty congratulations and well done to all concerned in this magical extravaganza and an enormous THANKYOU!

For further details on this stunning Island Arks Symposium please refer to the excellent media coverage by the KI Landscape Board http://www.landscapesa.gov.au and The Islander Newspaper http://www.theislanderonline.com.au

Michael from Far North Queensland doing wonderful work on Palm Island – connecting with Coordinator Tony